Soy terapeuta matrimonial y familiar con licencia en Arizona con mas de 10 años de experiencia. Mi enfoque es trabajar con individuos y parejas para enfrentar las dificultades que se pueden presenter en cualquier etapa de su vida, incluyendo ansiedad y dificultades de pareja. Haga cita para su consulta por telefono GRATUITA de 15 minutos hoy mismo.
We all experience anxiety and worry, it is a shared experience among all persons. Anxiety can help push us to be our best and keep us safe, but it can also grow to become an overwhelming force. With the right tools, you can learn to manage anxiety and feel more like yourself again.
Learn MorePregnancy and the postpartum period are a unique season of life that require specialized training and experience from a qualified provider. Together, we can address concerns and help you identify and strengthen the supports you need.
Learn MoreYou may be feeling disconnected, wounded, and fighting all the time. I understand, and I’m here to help. I help couples move past pain and conflict to build fulfilling, secure relationships. If you’re ready to start healing your relationship, reach out today.
Learn MoreI'm a licensed marriage & family therapist practicing in Arizona for the past decade. I help individuals and couples move past pain and conflict to build authentic and fulfilling relationships with healthy boundaries.
Are you ready to work on the relationship with yourself and others?
Schedule a consultation or contact me today to get started.
Hablo español! Llámame para hablar sobre cómo puedo ayudarte.
Don't let more time pass feeling stuck and overwhelmed. Reach out to begin the process or learn more.
Cultivating Heart Counseling
4111 E Valley Auto Dr, Suite 201,
Mesa, AZ 85206